Web Cal Plus is a simple but handy application that enables you to create original HTML calendars in a snap. You can create 12-month or 6-month calendars, one-month calendars, or daily calendars using filters by category, title and date. You can also add recurring events, include holidays, custom icons, among other things.
The program features a simple, but not quite attractive user interface, which looks rather old and not very elaborated. However, it is fully customizable and very intuitive. This version also features integrated Google Maps, so that you can embed a map into your event information. It also includes a search feature that enables you to browse your calendars for a specific task, note, or content. There's also a chart feature that displays charts showing the frequency of activities by day of the week, hour, and day by day. Other features include support for Jewish calendar with Hebrew month names and the ability to include a lunar calendar.
A great disadvantage of the program is that it won't allow you to upload your calendars to your website unless you pay $250 more, so you will have to do it by yourself. This evaluation version is limited to 200 events, and if you decide to but it, it offers three different versions: basic, advanced, and enterprise.